Tisdale Middle and Secondary School Logo
School Community Council
Tisdale Middle and Secondary School Logo
School Community Council
School Community Council
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School Community Council


Chairperson:  Jessica Steadman

Vice-Chairperson:  Kali Cortus

Secretary:  Jacqueline Zslnka

Treasurer:  Melanie Brandt

  • Member-at-Large:  Crystal Cresswell
  • Member-at-Large:  Lynn Murray
  • Member-at-Large:  Ken Thomas
  • Member-at-Large:  
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800-101st St., Box 1000, Tisdale, SK. S0E 1T0  tmss@nesd.ca | 1-306-873-2352 | FAX 1-306-873-2941

Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

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